Britannia: player info

A setting inspired by the TV show Britannia, which was in turn inspired the historical events surrounding the Roman invasion of the British Isles.

I am not a historian, and nothing about this is meant to be historically accurate. I’m just a dude on the internet who likes hex crawlin’ in ancient Albion, where the Romans are demons and the leader of the Druids is David Bowie.

Under the banners of General Aulus Plautius, the Romans have returned to Britannia to complete the conquest attempted by Julius Caesar nearly a century ago. A war machine comprised of peoples and gods from the corners of the world, their arrival is a crawling chaos crashing over the land.

As one prophetic druid put it, “the stones upon which Time itself stands… those stones have shifted. They’re collapsing. Crushing centuries, annihilating pantheons… the ghosts of all our dead churned into a whirlwind, incinerated in a single flash…and when it’s gone….”

Player characters

Starter loot

1 HP 2 HP 3 HP 4 HP 5 HP 6 HP
3-9 Great sword (d8)
Sling (d4)
Bow and arrow (d6)
10 Silver pieces
Spear (d6)
Shield (1)
Farmer knife (d6)
Sling (d4)
Bow and arrow (d6)
Spear (d6)
War axe (d8)
Shield (1)
10 Spear (d6)
Shortsword (d6)
Bow and arrow (d6)
Walking stick (d6)
Sickle (d6)
Hour glass
Farmer knife (d6)
Gladius (d6)
Legionary shield (2)
11 Great axe (d8)
Battle shield (2)
Triple pipes
Sickle (d6)
Hunting knife (d6)
Shortsword (d6)
Grappling hook
War horn
Great sword (d8)
40 Silver
Bow and arrow (d6)
1 gold piece
Horse and chariot
Hierophant staff (d6)
Quill and paper
12 Spear (d6)
Legionary shield (2)
Bow and arrow (d6)
Hunting knife (d6)
War axe (d8)
Bow and Arrow
Horse and wagon
Gladius (d6)
Bow and Arrow (d6)
Gladius (d6)
Dagger (d6)
Vial of poison
Spear (d6)
Shield (1)
13 Hunting knife (d6)
Warhammer (d8)
Fine leather armor (2)
Spear (d6)
Dagger (d6) Horse and chariot
Gladius (d6)
Legionary shield (2)
Spear (d6)
Legionary Shield (2)
Great sword (d8)
Bow and arrow (d6)
Leather armor (1)
Sickle (d6)
Walking stick (d6)
Hour glass
14 Spear (d6)
Legionary shield (2) Fine leather armor (2)
Bow and arrow (d6)
Warhammer (d8)
Wolf pelt armor (1)
War horn
Shortsword (d6)
Shortsword (d6)
Hunting knife (d6)
30 Silver
Triple pipes
Spear (d6)
Shield (1)
15 Walking staff (d6)
Bow and arrow (d6)
Hunting knife (d6)
Sling (d4)
Farmer knife (d6)
10 silver
Greatsword (d8)
War horn
Hunting knife (d6)
Grapling hook
Healing tea (heals d4 Strength)
Shortsword (d6)
Battle shield (2)
Axe (d6)
Battle shield (2)
Dagger (d6)
16 Warhammer (d8)
Bow and arrow (d6)
War axe (d8)
Wof pelt armor (1)
Horse and cart
Spear (d6)
Great sword (d8)
Fine leather armor (2)
Bow and armor (d6)
Shortsword (d6)
Farmer knife (d6)
Walking staff (d6) Arcanum
Great sword (d8)
War axe (d8)
17 Bow and arrow (d6)
Grappling hook
Hour glass
Shortsword (d6)
Dagger (d6)
Hunting knife (d6)
Silver torc
Spear (d6)
Battle shield (2)
Hunting knife
Walking stick (d6)
Bow and arrow (d6) 10 gold pieces
Gold torc
18 Farmer knife (d6)
Sickle (d6)
30 Silver
Bow and arrow (d6)
Fine leather armor (2)
Walking staff (d6)
Triple pipes
Great axe (d8)
Fine leather armor (2)
Dagger (d6)
Farmer knife (d6)
Bow and arrow (d6)
Sling (d4)
10 Silver pieces
Bronze torc

Starting arcana

Roll Arcana Description
1 Cauldron of Murias A cauldron of bottomless plenty. Refresh 10 Supply every morning. Once per day, make a Will Save and attempt to pull from the cauldron any item that your heart desires. If you fail the Save you are pulled into the Otherworld.
2 Spear of Gorias 2d6 Damage. Engravings of a gold eagle flank the blade of the spear. Enemies you pierce are struck with lightning that pulses from the spear.
3 Sword of Finias 2d6 Damage. On your command, this sword can illuminate at the level of a bright torch. While this sword is on your person, you never decrement more than 1 Supply per Turn.
4 Triple pipes Playing these pipes allows you to summon an animal for 1 day. The animal is friendly to you, and understands your intentions to a reasonable level. The animal will protect you if asked, but the Referee may ask for Will Saves when the animal is taking damage to see if they run away.
5 Egg of protection A green gemstone, carved and polished into the shape of a chicken egg. Grasp the egg to create an invisible circle of protection that surrounds you completely in the shape of a large egg. The protected area is big enough for 3 people, standing close together. Nothing you do not allow can pass the boundaries of the egg, including rain, smoke, projectiles, or people. If a determined attacker is attempting to enter, or an extremely large object falls on the protective barrier, the Referre may call for a Will save. On failure, the egg shatters, rendered unusable.
6 Seeking snake A pet snake about 2.5 feet long with 1 HP. Once per turn, you may transform the snake into a seeking arrow with a fanged arrow head that deals d8 damage, ignoring HP.
7 Oak carved spoon Dip the spoon into a natural body of water, drink, and receive d6 healing to each of your Ability scores.
8 Horseshoe Keeping this on your person gives +2 Armor. It also makes you a friend of horses, easily able to find and tame wild horeses.
9 Cloak of invisibility Really rare. Yes, others can still hear you or see your foot prints.
10 Ochain of Conchobar +3 Armor. A large shield that looks beat up, but is very sturdy. It will warn you of dangers ahead if you ask it.
11 Golden apple The bearer of this apple can add +3 to any of their Ability scores. You can shift the Ability score to which this applies once per day.
12 Drowsy branch A white branch dotted with silver leaves. Shaking the branch creates beautiful, soothing music, that will lull any nearby humanoids to sleep.
13 Seeing sticks Cast these sticks and interpret the way they fall. You are immune to damage in your next combat encounter.
14 Hour glass Once per day, you can move extremely fast for 2 Turns.
15 Black stone of Pessinus A smooth black stone that fits in the palm of a hand. Once per day, you can fly into a rage that increases your Strength. Make 2 Attacks instead of 1, and your Attacks deal an additional d6 Damage.
16 Buck horn helmet Bronze and leather helmet with antlers. Gain an extra damage dice to your Spells.
17 Bear skin cloak Super warm and comfy. Once per Turn use your Action to shield someone from Damage.
18 Falcata d12 Damage. Ignore Damage done to you this Turn if you roll above 9.
19 White oak bow d12 Damage. If enemeies are in melee range, you can make an additional Attack.
20 Herb and resin incense Once per day, you can light this incense, and everyone around you partakes of the benefits. For the next 10 Turns all your Rolls are Enhanced.


Advancement Hit die Description
Healer d4 Use your Action to tend to an injured ally. Your medical skill, charms, and potions return d4+2 hit points.
Assassin d6 When you attack an enemy who is unaware of your presence, your damage hits their Strength score directly, bypassing their hit points.
Sure-footed d6 You never lose your balance or grip in difficult or slippery terrain. Effectively, you don’t need to make Dexterity Saves in situations that involve slipping, falling, or balancing.
Thief d6 You can unlock any door, vault, or chest, and disarm any trap. Use of your Thief tools does not cost an additional Supply per Turn.
Silent steps d6 You always move completely silently.
Blade in the dark d6 When you hide in deep shadow, you are invisible until someone is right on top of you.
Bowmaster d6 Make two attacks with your bow each turn.
Berserker d8 You may choose to ignore the effects of damage taken by instead taking d6 Will damage.
Ironclad d8 Double the value of any armor you wear. Eg, 1 armor grants 2, 2 armor grants 4
Swashbuckler d8 Whenver you slay a target with a melee attack, you may immediately make and additional melee attack against another target within range.